Important explanation!

At this stage, we do not earn a single penny on The Leather CIty project, since the game contains non-original materials (tracks, backgrounds, some drawings, etc., from open sources), but over time absolutely everything will be redrawn and all the materials inserted into the game will become completely original. We are actively working on this right now and we want to say that we have made progress in this direction. For example, we have already fully written the soundtrack for the game and an update will be released very soon, where only our own tracks will be presented.
At the moment, most of the forces are taken away by the visual design of the project, but soon this aspect will be successfully completed. We repeat, until we achieve 100% originality of the materials in the game - The Leather City will be distributed absolutely free on all platforms.
For our part, we would like to sincerely apologize to the authors whose works were used in the project. We assure you that not a single penny from your creativity will be received by us.

However, the sources from which some materials were taken: pixabay, , depositphotos, pexels, motionelements, shutterstock, zvukipro, audiokaif, bensound, soundcloud, freemusicarchive and so on. We are completely honest with you. Peace to all. ✌🏻 (изменено)

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